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Unlocking the Secrets to Dandruff-Free Hair with Panchkarma Therapy

Are you tired of battling persistent dandruff despite trying countless shampoos and treatments? If so, you’re not alone. Dandruff is a common scalp condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing itching, flaking, and embarrassment. While over-the-counter remedies may provide temporary relief, they often fail to address the underlying cause of dandruff. That’s where Panchkarma therapy, an ancient Ayurvedic practice, comes into play.

Understanding Dandruff:

Before delving into how Panchkarma therapy can help combat dandruff, it’s essential to understand its root causes. Dandruff can be triggered by various factors, including dry scalp, excess oil production, fungal infections, and even stress. Traditional treatments often focus solely on symptom management rather than addressing these underlying imbalances.

The Power of Panchkarma Therapy:

Panchkarma, meaning “five actions” in Sanskrit, is a holistic Ayurvedic approach to detoxification and rejuvenation. It encompasses a series of therapeutic treatments aimed at restoring balance to the body and mind. When it comes to dandruff, Panchkarma therapy targets the root cause of the problem, offering long-term relief and improved scalp health.

Key Panchkarma Therapies for Dandruff:

Shirodhara: This ancient therapy involves the gentle pouring of warm herbal oil onto the forehead, directly stimulating the scalp and soothing the mind. Shirodhara not only nourishes the scalp but also promotes relaxation, reducing stress levels—a common trigger for dandruff.

Shiro Abhyangam: In this traditional head massage, specialized herbal oils are applied to the scalp and massaged thoroughly. Shiro Abhyangam improves blood circulation to the scalp, strengthens hair follicles, and removes impurities, effectively combating dandruff and promoting healthier hair growth.

Benefits of Panchkarma Therapy for Dandruff:

Holistic Healing: Unlike conventional treatments that often mask symptoms, Panchkarma therapy addresses the root cause of dandruff, leading to long-lasting results.

Natural Ingredients: Panchkarma therapies utilize herbal oils and ingredients known for their nourishing and healing properties, ensuring safe and gentle treatment without any harsh chemicals.

Personalized Approach: Ayurveda recognizes that each individual is unique, and Panchkarma treatments are tailored to suit your specific needs and imbalances, providing personalized care and attention.


Don’t let dandruff hold you back from enjoying healthy, lustrous hair and a confident appearance. Embrace the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and experience the transformative power of Panchkarma therapy in combating dandruff naturally. Say goodbye to flakes and hello to a revitalized scalp with our specialized Panchkarma treatments at AyurYog Ayurvedic Clinic & Panchkarma Centre.

For more information or to book your appointment, visit our website today at call us on +91 8368841257


Dengue Management with Ayurveda

Dengue Management with Ayurveda

Amidst an alarming increase of dengue patients across the country, it is important to strengthen your immunity while taking adequate precautions. Dengue, an infamous flu-like disease caused by the female mosquitoes of the ‘Aedes aegypti’ species affects millions every year.

Common symptoms of dengue include high fever, headache, muscle pain, pain behind the eyes, severe body ache, backache, rashes, and nausea. There is no specific treatment for dengue in Western medication. Doctors’ main goal is to keep the body hydrated.

Neem leaves in dengue increase the platelet count, remove the toxins from the body, and strengthen the immune system. You can prepare a herbal brew by steeping 3-4 neem leaves in a glass of water and drinking the brew throughout the day.

Ayurveda’s prospective on dengue treatment

Ayurveda refers to Dengue as a type of ‘Dandaka Jwara’, a fever caused by imbalance of the Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas. In this fever, a person experiences severe pain in the bones and that is why it is called Dandaka Jwara or break bone fever.

During Dengue, the Pitta and Kapha doshas in the body get aggravated, due to the increased activity of the body’s defense mechanism to fight the infection. This also imbalances the Vata dosha.

In Ayurveda, the treatment aims to increase the immunity of the individual with Ayurvedic herbs that help maintain the body temperature and increase the platelet and white blood cell count.

Ayurvedic remedies for dengue treatment

Ayurveda offers effective home remedies to help control and treat the symptoms of dengue. Here are some of the remedies. Doing all of them together is not recommended, however, you may choose a couple of them that work for you!

1. Boost Immunity With Giloy

Giloy, a well-known immunity booster, helps in maintaining the metabolic rate, improving the immune system, and increasing the platelet count. A herbal drink can be made by boiling two small stems of Giloy plant in a glass of water until half a glass of water remains. Drink this Giloy infused water twice a day. Giloy helps in balancing the tridoshas.

2. Increase Platelet Count With Papaya Leaf

As the need of the hour is to increase the platelet count, Ayurveda strongly prescribes the papaya leaves juice for platelets. Papaya leaves juice also helps relieve tiredness, nausea, and stomach problems. You can prepare papaya leaf juice by crushing its leaves and extracting the juice. Drinking a small quantity of papaya leaf juice twice a day can offer great results.

3. Mulethi For Fever Control

Mulethi helps balance the aggravated doshas and reduce inflammation. So, drinking herbal tea made from mulethi helps in reducing fever, inflammation and improves immunity. You can also use mulethi with sunthi and drink it twice a day.

4. Antibacterial Neem For Dengue

Neem has been long revered for its medicinal and anti-bacterial properties and is recommended for the treatment of numerous ailments. Neem leaves in dengue increase the platelet count, remove the toxins from the body, and strengthen the immune system. You can prepare a herbal brew by steeping 3-4 neem leaves in a glass of water and drinking the brew throughout the day.

5. Orange Juice or Sweet lime Juice For Dengue Fever

Oranges and Sweet Lime are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants which help in building immunity. Drinking orange or sweet lime juice is an elixir for a dengue patient. It helps keep the body hydrated, increases urination, thereby releasing toxins from the body. Vitamin C in oranges promotes antibodies that help fight Dengue fever.


If you notice any symptoms of dengue, get tested immediately and consult a doctor. If tested positive for dengue, follow these Ayurvedic remedies to effectively treat your symptoms. We encourage you to reach out to AyurYog Ayurvedic Clinic and Panchkarma Centre for consultation. Ayurvedic treatment helps improve the quality of life and eliminates the root cause of the health issue.

Why taking medicines searching internet is dangerous

There are essentially two bad ways this can go: Either you overestimate your symptoms and end up taking the wrong medication or engaging in the wrong self-treatment, or you underestimate your symptoms and let a condition worsen

In fact, research suggests that online symptom checkers are almost always wrong. So before you spiral down the symptom rabbit hole, learn why obsessively Googling symptoms is risky and how to look for accurate health information online.

There’s also the risk of developing “health anxiety,” real condition that involves excessive worrying that you are sick. You may know this condition as hypochondriasis, and you’re probably familiar with the word “hypochondriac.”

Even if you’re not a hypochondriac, searching for medical symptoms and illnesses online may add unnecessary worry and a lack of peace of mind to your life.

Research notes that while internet information can help people avoid unnecessary doctor visits for minor (or nonexistent) conditions, some people feel anxiety and fear about medical information they find online.

Part of the reason that searching for symptoms can send you into an anxious spiral has to do with the fact that there’s just so much health information online. While a great deal of online health content is trustworthy and accurate, much of it is not. But you can learn to decipher the good from the bad with the right tips.

If even after scouring through research you still feel lost, just go see your doctor. Not everyone can be a doctor — and the internet certainly cannot — so give yourself the luxury of peace of mind by seeing a real health professional.

And if carving out time for an in-person doctor’s appointment isn’t an option, try seeing a doctor online via one of the many telehealth companies. You can also contact a therapist online if your worries are more centered on mental or emotional health.